Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Weather talk

Sunshine is great, some say it lights up the ground, and it is when the sun is out do you get to see the different colors of sun's rays. After a rainy day, you get to see the marvelous colors of the sun's rays due to refraction. If you're lucky you might even get to see a unicorn galloping from one cloud to another, riding the magnificent rainbow.

The sun is great especially for cold, temperate countries, it is when you get to get out in your t-shirts and jeans and walk around basking in the sunshine. Maybe that's why Katrina and the waves wrote a song, Walking on sunshine. (here's a link to relive the 80's: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPUmE-tne5U)

Some people like the light, soft snowy weather. Snow is great for first-timers I've got to say. Definitely how the media makes snow seem so lovely. Snow is definitely something people in the tropics want to experience, since they have been under the heat of the sun for nearly their entire life. What is it about snow that captivates anyway? Snow can be positive and negative, depending on how you see it. On one end it brings people together - when I think snow I'm always reminded of a scene where families and friends gathering around a fireplace trying to keep warm. And doing the snow-angel.

But those who have been through a whole season of snow would know the truth about it; snow is depressing. It blankets an entire town with a sheet of white, nothing but sheer monotony. Sunshine lovers hate the snow.  Everyone is grouchy and grumpy because of the cold, and it's purely torturous when one has to get up at five in the morning to get to work.

"Grey skies, clouding up the things we used to see with wide eyes". That's right, rainy days. Personally I'm a huge fan of rainy days. There's just so much to love about rainy days - the sound of rain, the smell of the earth just when it is about to rain. Even thunderstorms can be rather exciting too. If you're watching the rain from your window. Yes, it is rather terrible to be caught in a storm; too much of anything isn't good anyway. I'm talking about grey colored skies and light, continuous rain.

Rain brings back a lot of memories for me. I spend most of my time alone, and even when I'm traveling from one place to another, well mostly in public transport, I never fail to look out the window. Beads of rain falling on the glass windows, and fogged up windscreens due to the differences in temperatures in and outside. rain comforts you like no other weather can. It is certainly relaxing isn't it? That is why people like to sleep in on a rainy day.

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